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Punk T-Shirt Bingo!

Need something to do in between bands at your local punk dive?
Why not play Punk T-Shirt Bingo???

Virtually everyone's wearing a band shirt, so why not make a game out of it? Pick band shirts
out of the crowd and mark off the appropriate squares until someone completes a row!

Example card:


- Clothing item must be a t-shirt. Jackets, patches, and other non-t-shirt items of clothing do not count

- No, the shirt must not contain the exact symbol/fonts/whatever in the tiles to count. (Misfit shirt still counts even if it does not have the skull!)

- Homemade t-shirts count.

- In the event of a dispute, ("Is that really a metal shirt?") mob rules. Group votes for validity.

- First person to finish a row either across, up or down, or diagonally wins

- In the event no one finishes a row the person who has marked off the most squares wins


- Have one person call out the shirts, that way everyone's not looking at fifty shirts at once

- Print the cards out on card stock!